Thursday, February 4, 2010

Free Energy Plans: DIY Plans for Free Energy

Magnets 4 Energy More and more people these days are making their own magnetic motor generators with the help of a good set of free energy plans. Like anything else, a project is doomed if you don't plan ahead early. On the other hand, a project is far more likely to be successful if you can get hold of a good set of plans created by someone who has already trodden this path before.

Materials And Equipment

A magnetic motor generator is really quite a simple construction, all in all. Probably the most important materials are the magnets themselves. After this are various metal and other parts that need to be fabricated. Lastly you will need an array of simple tools such as a soldering iron and multimeter (for measuring voltages and currents).

None of these materials are particularly hard to obtain and all can be ordered online from stores like Tandy or Radio Shack. If you are particular concerned that the government may be tracking your purchases then you can almost as easily obtain them locally using cash to pay for your goods.


With a little searching via the internet you can easily discover the main materials and equipment needed. The concept has been around for a long time and there are many different versions of the generator currently being used around the world. What you won't find easily are detailed construction plans for a version of the motor itself.

This is because government and industry have collaborated to suppress this information from becoming more widespread and generally accepted. The technologies that do take centre stage are generally part of a centrally orchestrated plan – case in point is the current "climate change" debate that rose from the ashes in the last three years and is only now the subject of great controversy.

However, there are still a few places where you can find such plans and they will typically give instructions on how to fabricate the various components, how to assemble them as well as detailed wiring diagrams showing the exact configuration of the magnets, coils and rotor.

Investment In Your Future

As I mentioned earlier, these plans are not easy to find. They are even harder to find for free.

I strongly advise you to invest what will probably be no more than a meagre fifty bucks in what will ultimately provide yourself and your family with energy independence and finally access to the energy that is your birth right, free from the shackles of the bedfellows that are world governments, oil companies and big business.

Magnets4Energy is one of the best known plans or guides. It attracts a lot of positive press in the forums and online chat groups.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Zero Point Energy

Zero point energy is a concept from quantum physics. Without advanced knowledge in this area it can be difficult to interpret but it is basically the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system can possess.

Why should a concept posed by Einstein in 1913 be of interest and does it have any practical applications?

Free Energy

The zero point energy of a vacuum is said to be infinite. This therefore opens up many possibilities if this energy can somehow be harnessed. Even if one can only approximate the necessary conditions then large amounts of energy could still be obtained.

The Search For Zero Point

Many eminent and respected researchers believe that zero point could be the answer to the looming world energy crisis. One such person is Nick Cook, aviation journalist and former editor of the respected international defense journal, Jane's Defense Weekly.

Cook is well known for his knowledge of military black projects. He has spent ten years investigating anti-gravity technology that is based on zero point energy. Whilst many of the general public may laugh and scoff at the idea of obtaining large amounts of free energy, governments around the world are taking this idea much more seriously.

Cook has discovered credible evidence showing that world governments have been trying to develop (with varying levels of success), zero point energy based anti-gravity devices since the second world war and have even sought to suppress or discredit those who have made accidental commercial discoveries in this field.

Commercial Applications

There are no known commercial applications of zero point energy but there are several projects reaching their final stages.

One of these is a patented device that uses solar cells to harness energy from electromagnetic radiation based on free energy extraction.

Domestic Applications

There are currently a number of "DIY" home kits that show you how to create your own magnetic motor generator which are thought to be based on the same or at least similar principles to zero point energy.

Demonstrations of these kits so far look very promising. They are capable of delivering large amounts of energy and need only a small amount to "kick start" them into action, as well as some minimal maintenance.

One of the better rated kits is Magnets4Energy. It's generating a lot of buzz as well as telling people how to generate electricity.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Free Energy Magnetic Motor

Magnets 4 EnergyThe free energy magnetic motor is the subject of much controversy these days. On the one hand it could offer mankind a solution to our dwindling energy reserves of oil and natural gas. But on the other hand, there are many who claim that the concept violates basic physics and simply cannot work.

The Basic Concept

The basic idea is that the intrinsic properties of any magnet (magnetism) can be harnessed into continuous motion that never ends. In most applications so far this has been rotary motion.

By the way, please do not confuse this with using a magnet to convert between electrical and mechanical energy (as in a regular motor or generator). With the free energy magnetic motor, there is no input of electrical energy or motion required to keep the motor running. For this reason, the device is often called a “motionless electromagnetic generator”.

Overcoming Equilibrium

All of us know that you can use a magnet to move metal objects by holding it close. Whether the object is repelled or attracted, the motion eventually stops because a “magnetic equilibrium” is reached.

But if you can prevent equilibrium being reached then the motion never ends and you can have never ending motion.

Free Energy

A motor that never stops can be used directly in any existing application where motors are already used such as transportation, agriculture, construction and many other industries. The biggest application, however, is to convert this motion into electrical energy as we already do in power stations.

The implications of suddenly having access to as much energy as we need and for free are very far reaching. To the extent that many people believe that research into free energy magnetic motors is being suppressed on a wide scale.

Existing Applications

Although there is currently no mass market product out on the market, it is believed that we are only a few years away from seeing one. Already, all over the world, billions of dollars are being spent on research and development.

For example, a version named the Perendev Magnet Motor is already available for licensing. Also, the Shinyeon Energy Research Center of Korea has a piston based magnetic motor that does not need electricity or fuel.

Other applications currently being developed for include a magnetic air car and a magnetic CD/DVD rotor.

For additional information and a how-to plan or guide, please visit Magnets4Energy