Despite this challenge, home hobbyists are stepping up to the plate with enthusiasm, creating their perpetual motion machines in home workshops, garages and basements.
Although the science behind these machines is complex and difficult for many to grasp-, the machines themselves are surprisingly easy to assemble.
Almost any home handyman or handywoman can assemble a magnetic generator, needing only some supplies easily located in hardware stores and electronic shops, and using everyday tools, many of which are already in the typical tool kit. One made, these DIY machines can power numerous electrical appliances. Some early adaptors are claiming that they are considerably reducing their power bill. A few claim that they have supplying 100% of their home power, and even selling the surplus back to the power grid.
Commercial applications are anticipated to become available in perhaps ten years time. Even then, making your own magnetic motor generator at home will be the most cost effective way to go.
Where to Get the Materials
To make the basic generator, you need only purchase a minimal number of electrical components, plus a specific variety of magnets, copper wiring and lead acid batteries. You can get all of these from various online stores, or at a local store or shop.
Construction and Assembly
Once you have your tools and equipment, it’s an easy matter to put the machine together. You may need a degree in electrical engineering to grasp the science behind the machine, but if you’re good with your hands, you can put it together.
If you don’t want to figure it out yourself -- a process that may require some time and experimentation – you can obtain tried and tested diagrams and plans from experienced and skilled people who have done the testing for you. You can get plans that show you precisely what you need and how to put it together to produce your own free electricity for home use. These plans show you how to create a perfect replica of a successfully functioning generator. One excellent example of this is the Magnets4Energy DIY Plan.
Off The Grid
One of the best aspects of generating your own electricity is that you no longer need depend on being connected to the grid. You have this measure of independence and self sufficiency that will
No one knows that the future will look like. Those of us living in industrial countries take it for granted that we will have continuous, ongoing supply of electricity round the clock, 364 days a year. But what if we lost our power supply? In the event of a natural disaster, what would you do without power? What if our dwindling reserves of oil runs out or if prices rise so much that electricity becomes an unaffordable luxury?
This is not a worry to those people who are generating their own electricity at home. They say that they experience a great feeling of freedom. They no longer have to rely on others to maintain their families’ well-being.
Make Money from the Grid
Another advantage to having your own magnetic motor generator is that you may be able to sell electricity back to the power company. If you are making more than you use personally, and many do, why not generate a little extra cash as well as generating electricity?
You will want to research the situation in your own country, but many nations will pay you not only for the electricity you sell them, but also for the power you use yourself. They take the position that if you are making your own electricity, you are removing some of the demand on their power stations.
Lastly, if you are at all concerned about environmental issues, you can feel good about knowing that you are substantially lowering your carbon footprint.
Magnetic motor generators may well be the wave of the future.
Where are the Free Plans? the DIY link says 100% Free Electricity but then charges you for plans - not 100% Free... Then the pop-up when you try to /navigate away' this whole thing stinks of Scam. If this thing worked then tons of people that really cared would be giving the plans away or the machines themselves. the only thing the Gov't really doesn;t want us to know is Henry Ford's Hemp Car - 80%+ made from Cannabis, from exterior to interior, fuel and lube too. F@ck 'em, grow what you want, it's a beneficial miracale plant.