Although PV panels are being touted as the newest, economical way to produce solar power and save on electricity bills, other methods of generating solar power have been around for some time. For example, many home owners have utilized solar patio lighting, solar powered electronic devices and even solar water pumps.
How These Solar Powered Items Work
A solar water pump is a device consisting of a standard solar PV panel. (PV refers to photovoltaic.) This panel produces direct DC energy. An inverter is not needed, so the consumer is spared the drawbacks that inverters bring.
Once generated, the direct DC energy powers a pump of one form or another. Various types of pumps are on the market, but the consumer’s main concern is the solar panel’s power rating. This rating provides a general comparison between various models. More importantly, however, the consumer needs to consider the pump’s flow rate.
In most cases, a large storage tank or some other storage method is required. By storing water, the household will have enough water to get through cloudy days when direct sunshine doesn’t reach the solar panel.
Applications of the Solar Water Pump
These pumps have many uses.
In a residential setting, homeowners have used solar water pumps to supply water features such as fountains, ponds, bird baths and more. In situations where the solar panel is located some distance from the home, the consumer need not worry about installing wiring between the pump and the house or the electrical supply. The solar energy powers the pump.
Consumers in rural areas have also used solar water pumps in locations where standard electricity may prove challenging. In rural and agricultural areas, solar water pumps are pressed into use to provide irrigation, in wells and for conveying drinking water to livestock or for human consumption.
It is not an easy matter to modify a domestic solar pump. Nevertheless, in a rural setting, the installation may require some tweaking for optimal performance.
Types of Solar Water Pumps
Irrespective of the type of power source used, it is important to select a water pump based on its appropriateness for the intended purpose.
Solar water heating installations usually work best if a circulating pump is used. Circulating pumps can transport hot water to a destination and can transport cold water toward the heating source.
Surface pumps can draw water up from a depth, but are limited in that they can draw water from an approximate depth of only six meters. To pump water from a deeper well, the system would require a submersible pump. A submersible pump has a hermetically sealed motor attached to the pump. The entire device is submerged in the water.
Solar Power Plans and Guides
For additional information about solar water pumps and other types of solar heating, please refer to Green Power Easy. This site provides extensive information about solar power as well as providing a solar power plan.Green Power Easy
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